The Internets Most Iconic Templar Shop. Created as a permanent means of fundraising for a non-profit, 33% of all net profits goes towards OSMTJ.
Date Published
April 16th, 2023
A specialized shop dedicated to serving the members of recognized Templar organizations worldwide via the internet. Mercado Templario is a spiritually special, for-profit, business. The reason being, is because, Mercado Templario, was created and being operated as a means of permanent fundraising for OSMTJ, specifically to be able to donate funds to pay for their charitable activities. 33% of all net profits is donated to the Grand Priory of Canada, 10% of the 33% is sent up to the Grand Administration of OSMTJ. It is in hopes that the monies donated to the Grand Priory and the Grand Administration, will be used for the continued financial support of charity works and to further the Order in todays modern world.
Steven Arsenio
Being an entrepreneur throughout the entirety of his life thus far, Steven has amalgamated a plethora of skillsets that are critical to the success of any enterprise operating in the 21st century.
As a serial entrepreneur, his main skillsets are marketing, web design and development. His specialization is using WordPress as a CMS. He excels in the field, having worked on multiple 3 figures of different brands and websites.
Aside from his profession(s), Steven also devotes his time to his vocation, committing consistently to volunteering with Order of the Temple of Jerusalem.
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