Exemplification of the 4th Degree – Worthy Sir Knight Steven Arsenio

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KofC 4th Degree

From Left to Right: Worthy Sir Knight Ricardo Medeiros, Worthy Sir Knight Steven Arsenio & Worthy Sir Knight Stanley Bernardo

On November 18th 2023, at St. Josephine Bakhita Parish in Mississauga, ON., a fourth degree exemplification in honour of Worthy Sir Knight Arthur Peters (Deputy Supreme Knight) took place, from 8 AM – 3:30 PM. In total, there were 34 Knights of the 3rd degree that were ceremoniously exemplified as Worthy Sir Knights of the 4th degree. 

On this day, I earned my 4th degree with certification, title and rights to bear the uniform and sword of the 4th degree of the Order of the Knights of Columbus.

A special thank you to S.K Frank Medoro, PGK. Worthy District Deputy (District 53) S.K Amadeo Cuschierri, PGK. & Vice Supreme Master of Cardinal McGuigan Province – S.K Joe C. Mathews, FM, PGK, FDD, PFN. for their personal contributions, guidance and leadership in my exemplification to the 4th degree. I wouldn’t be where I am today, having done so quickly, without you gentlemen. Again, thank you.

What is the 4th Degree?

The Fourth Degree is the highest degree of the order. Members of this degree have the special honor of holding the title “Sir Knight,” participating in color and honor guards and organizing programs that promote Catholic citizenship. These are the men you see in your Churchs with the official 4th degree Knights Uniform usually donning a sword, as the 4th degree is known as the ‘visual branch’ of the Order.

Nov 18, 2023

Vivat Jesus

Worthy Grand Knight of JFK Council #5523, Steven Arsenio, officially being Knighted into the 4th degree by Former Vice Supreme Master, Brendan Saunders.

Worthy Sir Knight, Steven Arsenio, GK. receiving his 4th degree certification by the Faithful Navigator, Worthy Sir Knight Savio Fernandes, PGK.

Last modified: December 2, 2023

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