The Reconstitution of the Order of the Temple by Philippe II, Duke of Orleans in 1705

In the annals of history, certain tales emerge that captivate the imagination and blur the lines between reality and legend. One such story is the reconstitution of the Order of the Temple in 1705 by

The Real Truth About Christopher Columbus – The Templar

Is what we know about Christopher Columbus even true? What do we actually know from this legendary, historical figure? Was he actually from Genoa? Was he actually – what history as we know it – claims him to be? Why was he so friendly with Portugal and the Order of Christ? This ground-breaking documentary reveals a trail of evidence that proves Columbus was alot more than what we’ve been led to believe.

From Knights Templar to Order of Christ in Portugal: A Summary

The Knights Templar, also known as the Order of the Temple, was a religious and military order established in the 12th century during the Crusades. The Templars were renowned for their courage in battle and

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